XIV. International Colloquium of Genealogy
22–25 October 2025 in Gotha, Thuringia, Germany
Supported by the City of Gotha
Theme: "The Roots of Gotha, and their connections with the world – Center of nobel and non-nobel genealogies"
Gotha, in the center of Germany, is called “Capital City of Genealogy“. Due to its 1250th anniversary in 2025 we invite experts of the genealogical world to come to the Thurigian city with great importance not only for German, but for European history. The theme of the international experts` meeting is “The Roots of Gotha, and their connections with the world – Center of nobel and non-nobel genealogies“. The XIV. International Colloquium of Genealogy will be held at the Thüringer Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung, Bahnhofstr. 12, 99867 Gotha, and will be part of the celebration week of the City of Gotha, end of October 2025.
The organizers will ask in a Call for Papers (starting at the beginning of 2025) for lectures in different languages as English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian on relations to Gotha in their genealogical topics, countries, and connections of European royal families. There will be a special lecture on “The Gotha – oldest almanach of nobel genealogies“
Wednesday, 22 October 2025: up to ten lectures, lunch break, and visit of the Research Center Gotha, University of Erfurt, and the Research Library Gotha, followed by a guided tour in the city of Gotha.
Thursday, 23 October 2025: up to ten lectures, a guided tour at the collection of the State Archives Thuringia – Department Gotha, reception by the Lord Mayor at the Dukes Museum (“Louvre of Thuringia”). A classic concert will be provided (individual choice).
Friday, 24 October 2025: additional lectures, and central closure of the colloquium, a Gala Dinner in the evening within the city will be provided (individual choice)
Saturday, 25 October 2025: central open public celebration 1250 years of Gotha (the whole day in the city) with national and international guests (after the ordinary International Colloquium of Genealogy by AIG)
All activities will be in walking distance (maximum of 1 kilometer), and free of charge (except from the Gala Dinner, and the concert).
The Call for Paper process will start at the beginning of 2025 in the academic world and among international experts.
For contact: Dirk Weissleder
Please download the Colloquium Regulations and Agenda in English.
Veuillez télécharger le règlement et le calendrier du colloque en français.
Por favor, descargue las regulaciones del Coloquio y la agenda en español.
1250 Jahre Gotha
Folder Gotha